Tuesday 5 October 2010


“Maa what you think all day?”

“I think about you baby, i think about your life ahead. I think how my little angel who is a grown up now will face this world. I would like to see how my angel would bring up her children. This is what i think baby.”

“But maa do you think about you, yourself, your life?”

Maa went quite for a minute, smiling back she says,” you are my life and I think about it.”

She gives her 100% to everything she does, she’ll never forget to pack your lunch. She’ll be your bank always in the times of dire emergency, she’ll not buy a pack of bindis or dozen of bangles to gift you, your favourite t-shirt on your birthday, she’ll always call you to ask you “when are you coming back home?”, no matter what she lost in her life, no matter what pains she face, she never expresses that.

What is primary to us, is always secondary for her and that’s “I”. She’ll never say “this is what I want, this is what i think.”

I was observing one day my mother, guess that’s what we don’t do these days cause we are over possessed with our lives, and while observing her, it occured to me that what my mother thinks all day. She is a homemaker, what is that she thinks all day. May be according to me what is to be cooked in tonight’s dinner or what clothes are to be sent for iron next morning. When i asked her what she thinks all day i got the same reply as above. And i was so surprise to realise this suddenly at that moment that what is this life when you don’t think about you but only about your family.

Guess the answer was within me only. This is how the nature of a mother is. Her heart is purest form of love. For me God is within your MAA. It’s not that fathers aren’t caring. But their is still a scope of “I” or there is something called male ego in every man. Fathers must be loving you or protecting you equally but the absence of “I” in a mother makes her one of the kind.

Respect your Maa, talk to her about her, give her time, go on a walk with her or take her on a coffee. So not just wish her on her birthday and Mother’s day but always.

Share your thoughts friends.



  1. lovely post himani.....:):)
    I think dat "MAA" is d most important part of our lives

  2. very well written with emotions himani..i liked it soo much :)

  3. thanks a lot shruti.. i wrote this months back. so thought of sharing with you all...

  4. thanks... Dhruv.
    shashank you are right, moms are great..
