Tuesday 26 October 2010

3 Common Mistakes Which Stop Us From Having A Great Life

With some experience, I have noticed that there are 3 common mistakes because of which we are not able to live a great life. Below are the common mistakes which stop us from living a great life.

1. Letting The Fear Control You: If you really want to have a great life then you would have to make some effort and get out of your comfort zone. You might feel scary at first but if you will keep on letting the fear control you, you will never be able to have a great life. You should learn to control your fear. Do not let the fear dictate your life.

2. Self Doubting: Low self confidence and low self esteem makes you loose lots of opportunities in life. You must start believing in yourself and stop doubting yourself. Do whatever it takes to improve your confidence so that you can have a life you deserve.

3. Not Listening To Your Heart: The pressure to do things in life from the people who care about you, sometimes become overbearing. Though, the intentions of the people around you may be good but they may not know what a good life for you is. You should remember that it’s your life and you should live it in your own way. You should follow your heart if you really want to live a great life.