Sunday 17 October 2010

Has India changed for the better post liberalisation?

Everyone your comments on the question please?

Is New India leaving the Real India Behind?
What about today's emporio culture?
Is the New India only caring about Wealth and not Values?


  1. AS still there is no comments over your very good post shows ?????????
    Wake up youth its our time

  2. Is New India leaving the Real India Behind?
    Not exactly but yes India is leaving bharat behind .
    What about today's emporio culture?
    still as same it was but with some ''globalization''

    is the New India only caring about Wealth and not Values?
    Yes because wealth is what the world is demanding for

  3. yup i agree a good post indeed.
    for me India has changed for the better post liberalisation-economically since 1991 we are growing and now we are the second fastest growing economy.
    but main question to debate is our social change since liberalisation and i think like everything the change had its positive and negative impacts both but since change is inevitable and its necessary we will have to accept both the positive and negative aspects and move on; the only thing we can do or should do is try to avoid the negative aspects of growth.

  4. @mark
    newtons third law of motion ''every action have equal and opposite reaction ''

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. but till when can we IGNORE the negative aspects and move on like we dont care.

  7. well i think india has changed for the betterment after liberalisation. since changes are necessary but we should not forget our culture, our values and deep down within ourselves we should restrict to them. before adopting western culture we should not forget that we too hv a culture which is far rich than any.
    if indians today are changing and they r running after money then i hope tommm they will change again and run after MORAL values!!

  8. we have long neglected growth in the name of culture culture is perfect(nor the western nor our indian) and amendments are necessary...i love and respect indian culture and traditions but their is some space for adapting and learning from west and mixing it with our rich culture for good.

  9. But all that is bookish and not practical enough.

  10. i agree dhruv but i think that we r adapting to changes very rapidly and we r changing are values and beliefs which is not correct..i agree traditions shud also b changed from time to time but we are changing far tooo speedily...
