Wednesday 27 October 2010


Being an introvert  I want to share some of the misconceptions regarding INTROVERTS....

Clearing Up the Misconception1) Introverts are not always shy. In fact, research has shown that introverts are often very sensitive to subtle social signals and may simply be reacting to information others just don't see.

2) In our culture its a compliment to be told you're extroverted it means you're happy and sociable. On the other hand, introverts are frequently thought to be reclusive, self-centered, or anti-social. But introverts care for others no less than extroverts; they simply show it in different ways. While their sensitivities may make introverts seem weak, introversion actually creates many strengths including great depth and insight allowing them to be gifted leaders, speakers, teachers, and visionaries.

3) In fact, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates and, believe it or not, Steve Martin, are among the ranks of the introverted.

It's important to look at the three main differences between introverts and extroverts:
1. The ways they get energy. Extroverts receive energy from external stimulus, while introverts get energy from the inner thought world. As a result, even if introverts perform well in social settings, they are often drained by people and need time alone to recuperate.

2. The ways they respond to stimulation. Extroverts thrive in environments that provide multi sensory stimulation. Introverts, on the other hand, have a busy inner world and can easily be overwhelmed by external stimulation. That's why introverts may be reserved and prefer quiet environments.

3. Their approach to knowledge and experience. Extroverts like to absorb as much as they can from their environment; they crave variety and breadth. Their introverted counterparts prefer depth; they invest energy in select areas. This is why they may be careful about choosing activities and may be hesitant to offer their feelings or ideas.


  1. yeah thats y i think a person should b an ambivert..

  2. @shashank-???????

    @shruti-sry i dnt agree wid u shruti.....if a person is introvert people should accept him/her as they can't force anyone to change....

  3. yeah i agree but being an introvert with a clear expression of thought will only benefit so their is no wrong in being an introvert with a good expression and presence in a crowd.

  4. @dhruv:Hmmm..very true..but one should accept d fact dat introverts need time to open up nd express themselves its better to provide them wid enough space dat dey are able to do so...nd make their presence felt wen in crowd..
