Thursday 11 November 2010

why do people change???

There are many things, issues, and situations in life, that can cause a person to change. A person can change, for a number of reasons, and in many different ways. Often a person changes, from his/her experiences. All through life, you are going to learn things, from different experiences. These different experiences, can be good or bad. Experiences can teach you, how to deal with certain changes in your life. Learning from different experiences, can change the way a person thinks and feels about something. The way a person thinks, is a huge factor on his/her life, and the factor on the people around that person. The way you act and think, effects people you are around often. If you treat people calmly with respect, they will know that you know how to deal with in people the right manner. Some people don't care about respect, and they treat others, the way they want to treat them. I am pretty sure, that we all have seen people like this. If a person is careless about respect, they will at some or the other point of life, learn how to give respect. Then they will change for the good, and take that lesson and think about it for the future. A person can also change, mentally and physically. Good or bad, this can make a difference in the particular person and for the family of that person. For an example, when I was a child and almost till few years back, I always did what i desired without thinking what consequences it may have. I was like that for years, until I decided to change my personality. For whatever reason why I wanted to change my personality, I am now a calmer, more polite person and because i live alone my circumstances have taught me to deal with major situations of life. A person can change his/her appearence. Let's say one person goes on through life, not caring what he/she wears and doesn't care about looking sloppy. One time in that person's life, he/she could decide to buy better looking clothes, and starts to care about looks. Later on, that person could be 100% better looking, than 2 weeks ago. This change of physical out-look,positively affects the appearence of the person. This is something other people will see, and this obviously is a change for the good.I gave you some examples, and I hope they explained good enough. See, there's dozens of way a person can change, bad or good. it only depends on how sensible you shape your LIFE!!!!


  1. vot i feel is dat one may or shud change onli his habit...or d way of dealing vid diffenrent aspects of life........but never change his IDENTITY... n d one whjo does it is a real loser

  2. positive change is always beneficial.
