Wednesday 3 October 2018


As a relationship ends, usually both the people involved are hurt.
But some don't show grief at all. Especially men.
They'll drink out, exercise out, throw themselves into work. But won't grieve.

But grief is so much important, especially for the other person.
If the other person knows that you are grieving, it gives them an assurance that even though it ended, it was once true.
Because that's the most important assurance everyone needs, that whatever it was. Was once true and mutual.

You know you need that assurance too, maybe not from the same person you were last with. Maybe with the first person that left you. Maybe someone else, that once was a part of your life.
You need that assurance that, even though everything ended and is a talk of the past, but it existed. That happiness during that time wasn't fake. That once, someone thought you were worthy.

So when I tell you, that showing grief is important. It's because it is.
You don't have to cry and be Devdas, but you have to let the other one know somehow that yes; you're hurting too.
It doesn't mean you want things to go back, even if you wanted to, it just won't.
It's important so that the other one can move on. So that you can move on.

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