Friday 19 March 2010

world of tomorrow

During the ancient times there was nothing for the pleasure of "humans". But now in the 21th century the world has changed a lot. And in future the world will change drastically. We will go to school in our own cars and without bags because we will have laptops as our books and notebooks .No need for taking money from parents for pens. The cars will run automatically and those who don't know how to drive ,the cars will drive itself .Food will be prepared by robots and all mothers will sit and watch tv. Mobile will speak the details of the person who is calling and read out the messages. There will be strict law and order as there will be no policemen but the robots will pick up the people who disobey laws and throw them in jail. India would not suffer scarcity of advantage ,also have disadvantages .People will become fat by sitting idle and there will be many diseases .But still we will enjoy and love it as everybody wants pleasure and enjoyment in life....


  1. Quite interesting India needs to get its act together before that happens other wise folks like Mayawati will take you for a wild ride. You write well! write about what Indians can do to Improve a corruption free society.

  2. hello sir thanx 4 ur comment ............ ya thts really very true that mayawati types politicians of india take our india in very wrong way and with them india's future is in dark ..........

  3. nyc writeup dear!
    bt it wn't be a sheer pleasure. The future will gift us a disastrous life where, there would be value of no human emotions and sentiments only selfishness all around!
