Friday, 31 August 2012

food spots of north campus

hello friends,

yeah..this is the first thing which we think about after our 1 lecture.. so hungry where to go for lunch...
delhi university students are crazy about taste and gud tasty and quality food is one of the basic need during college life.
so these are some good spots for students...
if guys r at kamla nagar shop well coz kamla nagar is one of da best shopping destination for galz.. yes u can buy colored slippers, flip flops, clips,bags,bangles,books  nd everything nd wen u feel tired den food street is not far... u can chill out wid ur frnds.
momos point one of da most famous place for food in kamla nagar..dey provide veg as well non veg food to u..basically dey provide food of chinese cuisine u can get so many variety of momos there.. like steamed momos, fried momos, gravy momos both in veg nd non veg.
hmm..but if guys r missing sumthin lyk homely food den chacha di hatti iz best place for u..most famous chola bhatura u can enjoy on dis place...
if u r diet concious den fruit salad or lemon juice also u get on so many shops..u can also go for cold coffee nd another baverages..the best place is shake square for u if u want to have some healty but yummy drinks.

last but not da least..if u have nt enough money today nd u want to eat something delicious den tom uncle ki maggie is really very gud...

guys college lyf is full of fun nd full of taste for d.u give and take so many treats...

Thursday, 30 August 2012

कोयले की बंदरबांट का पर्दाफाश करते आठ खुलासे

सौजन्य से: 
प्रभंजन वर्मा, आईबीएन-7

नई दिल्ली। 

कोयले की कालिख के पीछे आखिर क्या है। सच्चाई छिपी है IBN7 की खास पड़ताल BLACK GOLD में। एनडीए और यूपीए सरकारों के दौर में कई ऐसी कंपनियों को कोयला खदानें बांट दी गईं जिन्होंने सालों साल तक उन्हें छुआ तक नहीं। उल्टे कई कंपनियों ने तो इन खदानों को बेच कर मोटी कमाई की। सीबीआई अब उन सौदों की जांच कर रही है। सूत्रों के मुताबिक कोयले की कालिख में 17 कंपनियां घिरी हुई हैं। IBN7 को अपनी पड़ताल में 8 ऐसे मामले मिले जिसमें उन कंपनियों को कोयला खदाने बांटी गई जो सालों तक खदान पर कुंडली मार कर बैठी रही और बाद में बिक गईं। सीबीआई अब ये जांच कर रही है कि आखिर इस फॉर्मूले से कंपनियों को कितना फायदा हुआ। खास बात ये है कि इन कंपनियों को जरूरत से कहीं ज्यादा बड़ी कोयला खदान दी गईं। सवाल ये है कंपनियों को बैठे बिठाए मोटी कमाई करने का मौका दिया गया।

पहला खुलासाः पुष्प स्टील और माइनिंग कंपनी

20 जुलाई 2010 को दिल्ली हाई कोर्ट ने अपने आदेश में कहा है कि इस कंपनी का गठन 2 जून 2004 को हुआ। और इसी दिन दिल्ली से हजार किलोमीटर दूर कांकेर में इस कंपनी ने कच्चे लोहे की खदान के लिए आवेदन भी कर दिया। कोर्ट ने अपने फैसले में कहा है कि ये कैसे संभव है। आवेदन में न तो तारीख लिखी गई और ना ही कंपनी से जुड़े कोई कागजात लगाए गए। जबकि नियमों के मुताबिक आवेदन करने वाली कंपनी को पिछले साल के इनकम टैक्स रिटर्न की कॉपी लगानी जरुरी है।
कोर्ट ने ये भी कहा कि आवंटन की शर्तों में साफ है कि कोयला खदान उसी कंपनी को मिलनी चाहिए जिसके पास माइनिंग का अनुभव हो। लेकिन ना तो पुष्प के पास खनन का कोई अनुभव था और ना ही कंपनी की माली हालत इतने बड़े प्रोजेक्ट के काबिल थी। आवेदन करते वक्त कंपनी का पेड अप कैपिटल सिर्फ 1 लाख रुपए था। सवाल उठना लाजिमी है कि क्या कंपनी की मंशा सिर्फ आयरन और कोल ब्लॉक हासिल कर उससे मोटा मुनाफा कमाने की थी?
पुष्प स्टील ने 2004 में छत्तीसगढ़ सरकार के साथ 384 करोड़ रुपए के निवेश का करार किया। ये करार स्पांज आयरन प्लांट बनाने के लिए था। इसके लिए कंपनी ने 11 हेक्टेयर जमीन खरीदी और चीन की एक कंपनी को मशीनरी के लिए 22 लाख रुपए का एडवांस दिया। जी हां 384 करोड़ के प्लांट की मशीनरी के लिए 22 लाख रुपए का एडवांस। कंपनी का कुल निवेश 1 करोड़ 20 लाख था। लेकिन इसी आधार पर छत्तीसगढ़ सरकार ने 2005 में कंपनी को कच्चे लोहे के लिए माइनिंग लीज और प्रोस्पेक्टिव लीज दे दी।
इसके बाद कंपनी ने कोयला खदान के लिए आवेदन किया और उन्हें मध्य प्रदेश सरकार ने 2007 में 550 लाख टन कोयले वाला ब्रह्मपुरी ब्लॉक दे दिया। ये बताना जरूरी है कि छत्तीसगढ़ और मध्य प्रदेश दोनों जगह बीजेपी की सरकार थी। एक ऐसी कंपनी को सैकड़ों एकड़ की खदान दे दी गई जो दरअसल छोटी सी ट्रेडिंग फर्म थी। कंपनी ने अभी तक खनन का काम शुरू भी नहीं किया है।

दूसरा खुलासा - सवालों के घेरे में धारीवाल ग्रुप

कोयले का खेल कुछ ऐसा था कि गुटखा बनाने वाली कंपनी धारीवाल ग्रुप को भी कोयला खदान मिल गई। धारीवाल इंफ्रा नाम की कंपनी ने स्पांज आयरन प्लांट लगाने के लिए जमीन खरीदी और इसी आधार पर उसे 22 नवंबर 2008 को गोड़खरी कोयला ब्लॉक दे दिया गया। लेकिन 7 महीने के भीतर ही 240 लाख टन का ब्लॉक रखने वाली धारीवाल इंफ्रा ही बिक गई। इसे गोयनका ग्रुप की कंपनी
CESC ने करीब 300 करोड़ रुपए में खरीदा। मजे की बात ये है कि CESC एक बिजली कंपनी है। यानी स्टील के लिए दी गई कोयला खदान पॉवर कंपनी के हिस्से चली गई। और सरकार तमाशा देखती रही। अपनी सफाई में धारीवाल ग्रुप ने सिर्फ इतना कहा कि माइनिंग लीज मंजूर नहीं हो पाई है और भूमि अधिग्रहण में भी दिक्कत आ रही है।

तीसरा खुलासा - नवभारत ग्रुप

विस्फोटक बनाने वाली कंपनी जिसे 13 जनवरी 2006 को स्पांज आयरन प्लांट लगाने के लिए मदनपुर नॉर्थ कोयला खदान दे दी गई। खुद का प्लांट न होने की वजह से नवभारत ने अपनी सहयोगी कंपनी के प्लांट के आधार पर आवेदन किया था।
उस प्लांट की क्षमता सालाना 3 लाख टन स्पांज आयरन के उत्पादन की थी। यानी हर साल कंपनी को तकरीबन 5 लाख टन कोयला की जरूरत थी। लेकिन सरकार ने उसे जो खदान दी - उसमें 3 करोड़ 60 लाख टन कोयला है। कुछ साल खदान पर कुंडली मार कर बैठने के बाद नवभारत ने अपनी कंपनी का 74 फीसदी शेयर किसी और को बेच दिया। यानी पूरी कंपनी ही बेच डाली गई। यानि कोयला बेचा किसी को लेकिन गया किसी और की झोली में।

चौथा खुलासा - फील्ड माइनिंग एंड इस्पात लिमिटेड

इस कंपनी को 8 अक्टूबर 2003 को दो कोयला खदानें - चिनोरा और वरोरा वेस्ट दी गईं। दोनों खदानों को मिलाकर कोयला उत्पादन की कुल क्षमता थी 380 लाख टन। फील्ड माइनिंग की प्रोजेक्ट रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक उन्हें सालाना 2 लाख 60 हज़ार टन कोयले की जरूरत थी। इस कंपनी ने 5 साल यानी 2008 तक खदान पर कोई काम शुरू नहीं किया। उसने स्क्रीनिंग कमेटी के सामने कहा कि वो जल्द ही स्टील प्लांट खरीदने वाली है। आखिर 2010 में फील्ड माइनिंग एंड इस्पात लिमिटेड को
KSK एनर्जी वेन्चर्स ने खरीद लिया। KSK वर्धा में 600 मेगावॉट का पॉवर प्लांट लगा रही है। अपनी सफाई में फील्ड माइनिंग एंड इस्पात लिमिटेड ने स्क्रीनिंग कमेटी को कहा कि उनकी कंपनी को लेकर कोर्ट का कोई फैसला आया है। इसलिए वो काम आगे नहीं बढ़ा पा रहे हैं।

पांचवां खुलासा - बी एस इस्पात

बी एस इस्पात- 25 अप्रैल 2001 को विदर्भ की मरकी मंगली कोयला खदान बीएस इस्पात को दी गई। उनके पास 60 हजार टन का स्पांज आयरन प्लांट था। लेकिन उन्हें भी जरूरत से कहीं ज्यादा 343 लाख टन कोयले वाली खदान दे दी गई। उनकी जरूरत सालाना 1 लाख टन कोयला से ज्यादा नहीं थी। ये कंपनी 8 साल तक इस खदान पर यूं ही बैठी रही। 8 साल बाद कंपनी ने पर्यावारण क्लीयरेंस लेते वक्त कहा कि वो अपने प्लांट की क्षमता बढ़ाकर 1 लाख 84 हजार टन प्रति वर्ष करना चाहती है जिसके लिए उसे अब 3 लाख टन कोयले की सालाना जरुरत होगी। जानकारों का कहना है कि कंपनी ने जरूरत से कहीं बड़ी कोयला खदान पर पर्दा डालने की कोशिश में ऐसा किया था। अपनी सफाई में बी एस इस्पात ने साल 2010 में स्क्रीनिंग कमेटी को भरोसा दिलाया कि वो सितंबर 2010 तक कोयला उत्पादन शुरू कर देगी। लेकिन इसके बाद कंपनी ही बिक गई।

छठा खुलासा - सवालों के घेरे में गोंडवाना इस्पात

बी एस इस्पात की ही एक और कंपनी गोंडवाना इस्पात को भी 2003 में माजरा ब्लॉक आवंटित किया गया। इनके प्लांट की क्षमता 1 लाख 20 हजार टन कोयले की थी लेकिन अपनी प्रोजेक्ट रिपोर्ट में उन्होंने भी अपनी जरूरत 3 लाख टन प्रति वर्ष दिखाई। और कमाल देखिए उन्हें 315 लाख टन कोयले वाली खदान दे दी गई। यानि 100 साल तक की जरूरत आराम से पूरी। हम बता दें कि स्पॉन्ज आयरन प्लांट की औसत जिंदगी 30 साल की होती है। लेकिन अभी तक सबकुछ कागजों पर ही चल रहा था।
2008 में आकर गोंडवाना इस्पात का बी एस इस्पात में विलय हो गया। बाद में बीएस इस्पात को तीसरी कंपनी गरिमा बिल्डकॉर्प ने खरीद लिया और फिर 2011 में उसने ये कंपनी उड़ीसा सीमेंट लिमिटेड को बेच दी।
यानी न सिर्फ बी एस इस्पात ने खदान पर बैठने के बाद उसे मोटे मुनाफे में बेच दिया बल्कि खदान का एंड यूज भी बदल गया। फिर भी इन खदानों का आवंटन रद्द नहीं किया गया। आखिर क्यों? आखिर क्यों स्क्रीनिंग कमेटी और कोयला मंत्रालय सिर्फ कारण बताओ नोटिस जारी करते रहे। अपनी सफाई में गोंडवाना इस्पात ने कहा कि उनकी खदान का एक हिस्सा जंगल की जमीन पर पड़ता है इसलिए उन्हें वन विभाग की मंजूरी मिलने में दिक्कत आ रही है।

सातवां खुलासा - सवालों के घेरे में वीरांगना स्टील कंपनी

वीरांगना स्टील कंपनी- 2005 में मरकी मंगली नंबर 2,3,4 खदानें इस कंपनी को दी गईं। इनके पास एक पुराना 60 हजार टन का स्टील प्लांट था, उसके लिए जो खदानें दी गईं उनकी क्षमता थी 190 लाख टन। फिर भी कंपनी ने पांच साल तक खनन शुरू नहीं किया। आखिरकार 2010 में कंपनी का नाम बदल कर टॉपवर्थ हो गया। इसके बाद क्रेस्ट नाम की कंपनी ने उसे खरीद लिया। यानी ये कंपनी दो बार बिक चुकी है। जाहिर है नागपुर की इस छोटी सी कंपनी की बोली इसलिए लगी क्योंकि इसके पास बड़े कोल ब्लॉक थे।

आठवां खुलासा - सवालों के घेरे में वैद्यनाथ आयुर्वेद

आयुर्वेद उत्पाद बनाने वाली कंपनी वैद्यनाथ आयुर्वेद को भी 27 नवंबर 2003 में कोल ब्लॉक दिया गया। लेकिन 2010 तक भी ये कंपनी माइनिंग शुरू नहीं कर पाई। यहां तक कि स्क्रीनिंग कमेटी को ये कंपनी 2010 में भी ये भरोसा नहीं दिला पाई कि वो खुदाई कब शुरू करेगी और बिजली का उत्पादन कब शुरू होगा। 2011 में आकर आखिर 8 साल बाद स्क्रीनिंग कमेटी ने वैद्यनाथ को मिले कोल ब्लॉक को रद्द कर दिया। अपनी सफाई में वैद्यनाथ आयुर्वेद ने स्क्रीनिंग कमेटी को कहा कि माइनिंग प्लान को मंजूरी मिलने में देरी हो रही है क्योंकि कंपनी ने परियोजना का आकार बदल दिया है। साथ ही कंपनी में शेयर होल्डिंग पैटर्न भी बदल गया है।
उक्त आठ में से तीन मामले ऐसे हैं जब केंद्र में एनडीए की सरकार थी। इसमें से दो मामले विदर्भ के हैं। इस दौरान महाराष्ट्र में कांग्रेस की सरकार थी। यानी राज्य में कांग्रेस और केन्द्र में बीजेपी। ठीक वैसे ही जैसे 2004 के बाद केन्द्र में कांग्रेस और छत्तीसगढ़, मध्यप्रदेश जैसे राज्यों में बीजेपी की सरकार है। क्या ऐसे में दोनों पार्टियों को कोल ब्लॉक आवंटन पर राजनीति करने का अधिकार है।

Our first Group Outing : Nehru Cup Finals

This is to inform that we are planning for our first group outing on the 2nd of September to the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium for the Nehru Cup Finals. Six of the students have confirmed their participation. If anyone else wants to tag along, make sure that you book your ticket via (And make sure you select the "East Block"). Tickets are priced at Rs 75.

Day 2: Class by Mrs. Bindu Arora

Today we were obliged to have an esteemed person like Mrs Bindu Arora to teach us the tricks of the trade. She has achieved a lot in this industry and it was a privilege to have her with us. She taught us about the use of Marketing in Sports and Marketing via Sports.

                         There are various levels of marketing in sports. A sport is firstly marketed at the Association. Then the marketing is done on a team basis. "Sahara" are the biggest example of such kind of endorsements. Then comes Individual marketing. "Dhoni" endorses "Aircel", and that is a viable example of individual marketing.
                         We were taught about the marketing that takes place in the sports industry. We also learnt the difference between Marketing through Sports and Marketing of Sports. Then she told us about Grass-root level marketing.

                          Miscellaneously, we were also told about the Indoor Marketing strategies and Outdoor Marketing Strategies. The class was thoroughly interactive and an very informative one as well.

Supriyo Mukherjee

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Meet Facebook's oldest user, a 101-year-old

Florence Detlor may have been born when William Howard Taft was president, but at the moment she is social media's it girl.
Facebook has confirmed that out of nearly 1 billion users, she is the oldest registered user of the social networking site at 101 years old.

Detlor brushes off the recent media attention. "It's a matter of circumstance ,it just happened to be in that way," she said.

The centenarian signed up for Facebook two years ago, after taking a computer class at a community center near her home in Menlo Park,Calif. She has friended around 700 people, but has uploaded only about two dozen photos to her profile.
Her timeline said she was born in 1911, graduated high school in 1928, and finished college in 1932.

Detlor said the secret to long life is good genes and a good attitude. And no,she does not think Facebook will help users live longer.

Behind the Screen Saga of the IPL

The Indian Premier League (IPL) made its debut on 18 April 2008. It has come a long way since then and completed its fifth season late in May this year.
  When it was launched, it met with enormous criticism from cricket pundits and Indian media. They claimed that IPL posed a great threat to the survival of Test Cricket. I disagree with that as Test matches have their own aura and are irreplaceable. People also condemned it by declaring it as an anti-national money-making machine; though they love to watch football that’s all about money and clubs. Why blame cricketers then? It was also said that it tempted players from not playing for their countries because of its enormous match fee. It’s up to the players what they prefer. Mahela Jayawardene flew back to Sri Lanka in the middle of the tournament to attend to his national duties. Everyone is free to play or stay back. Even after so much denunciation, it went on to become a huge success with packed stadia and sky-rocketing TRPs. 

Sreesanth-Bhajji Slap Gate

  But India cannot do without controversies in any field. First it were the cheerleaders who were objected for ruining Indian culture and asked to go away. Then the famous Harbhajan-Sreesanth slap altercation showed how one can lose three crore rupees in a blink. The second season had to be shifted to South Africa after encountering security issues in India. The franchise of one-year old Kochi Tuskers Kerala was cancelled after the fourth season, owing to breaching of agreement terms. The most controversial season was that of 2012. Kolkata Knight Riders’ owner and Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan was served a notice for smoking in public in Jaipur’s SMS stadium. A month later, he was banned from entering Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai for the next five years following a brawl with a security guard after a match. For the next few days, media was busy covering Pune Warriors India’s (PWI) Luke Pomersbach who was accused of molesting an American woman. After a couple of days, Indian spinner Rahul Sharma and South-African pacer Wayne Parnell (both PWI players) were caught at a rave party burst. It would be unfair not to mention the suspension of five Indian domestic players who were accused of spot fixing.
   Without any second thoughts, IPL is a great entertainer. If the after-match party tradition is wiped out, it will be cherished as a platform that produced top-class players like Shaun Marsh, helped players like Laxmipathy Balaji make a comeback and gave us a chance to watch retired players like Shane Warne and Glenn McGrath play again. The schedule needs to be worked out so that players get ample time to refresh themselves and stay fit. It’s high time when people should stop accusing IPL of destroying classic cricket. It is the glamour quotient and the off-field controversies that need to be eradicated to make IPL one of the best and most successful tournaments of the world. Jai Ho!
 By Mr.Aatish Parashar (professor of Mass Communication at IP university), 3:30PM- 4:30PM
Mr. Aatish sir will be teaching  us the subject 'NEW MEDIA'. The objective of first class has been our introduction with basic terms of New media in Web journalism.The basic terms are New media, Journalism, news, analogy,and digital  language. Ohter things taught are as follows:
  • Characterstics of new media- Hypertextuality, Multimediality and Interactivity.
  • New Meia has influenced all other medium as it is interactive and other mediums like tv , radio and print  media too want to be interactive and thus taking new steps for it.
Some additional knowledge
News is timely,about an ideal ,proximate,something unusual,prominent,fresh nad lastly should have some impact.But now days news is something about tota ,nag naagin. On this a meeting was held for all the editors of news channels  and what they said is "News is information which is saleable."
By Vaishali Khulbe

Class by Mr. Aatish parashar 

On second day we had two classes , first by Dr Smita and second class by Mr.Aatish Parashar.

 1st class (by Dr Smita) , 2:30pm - 3:30pm
 It was an introductory class. The basic things she introduced to us are as follows :-
1) All students need to read newspaper daily.
2) The different fields of journalism are as follows-
  • university or college news
  • crime  news
  • sports news
  • economic or financial news
  • political news
  • lifestyle news
3) For a report we require three basic things which are where,an interview and a news analysis.
4) Mam's favourite journalist is Mr.Deepak Chaurasia.
5) "LEAVE IT OUT , WHEN IN DOUBT " an important quotation for all journalist and for us ,the future journalist.

By Vaishali Khulbe

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

'United Born and (B)Red"

More than Just a Player, A Football Icon!
                   We were going back to our respective houses in the Delhi metro as one of my companions noticed my Bag and recognised the team imprinted on it. She instantly came up to me and said, "Dude, Man United were awesome when Ronaldo played. His flair is missing in the Manchester United squad now. Do you think he will ever come back?""I don't think he will be coming back in near future. But I wish Becks comes back. I hope he comes back!!" I replied with a smile. "What will Beckham bring to the squad, he's quite old now!!", the girl followed up. I saw that question coming from a mile away, but never really knew what must be my reply to it.
                     There's a lot more than just talent and skills to David Beckham for any Red Devil.. We have loved him all through his career, even though he left us for the Galacticos, we still loved him!! We loved him at AC Milan and LA Galaxy too. The sentiments attached to David Beckham can only be realised by Mancs. And in football, there are a lot of things that matter more than just the game.... Maybe David Beckham is one of those rare things.

                      But sincerely and seriously speaking, Do we need him at the Theatre of Dreams?? My answer would be a loud “HELL YEAH!!” Keeping aside his recent interview where he expressed his willingness to join Manchester United in January, his credentials are more than enough! Recently, United have had a real shortage in "quality" Central Midfield players. The Cleverely-Anderson partnership seemed to click in the beginning, only for injuries and woeful form to spoil the party for Man United. Anderson seems to have lost his skills as he is getting worse match after match. Cleverely's injury is a setback but then Carrick and Fletcher aren't exactly the type of Midfielders who would incite fear in the hearts of the opposition. We are missing those incisive passes from the midfield that go out at the flanks, the Long Range efforts, the Out of the world dead ball antics, and Most of all a charisma and flair in midfield. We can't spoil Rooney's playing style where he is forced to drop back deep, we need a Talisman, and we need him NOW!

                      Had Sir Alex not possessed the guts to try Wayne Rooney in the Midfield, we wouldn't have ever seen him play there. David Beckham is a player with superhuman passing skills. His dribbling is a bit off. So, to play for Manchester United, he surely can't compete with Nani, Young or Valencia for the playing on the wings. Moreover last year we saw the Silva twins play at the opposite flanks in a match against Arsenal. Sir Alex excels in making players come out of a cocoon and play the way team wants them too. Playing in the central midfield would also provide excellent opportunities for the wingers to keep the defense in their pockets as the opposition will have to stay on their toes to keep a check on the typical "Beckham-esque" pass that would tear apart the defense. His free kick abilities need no introduction. His long range efforts can still knock the stuffing out goalkeepers! He can play in the Central Midfield and he is BETTER than the present targets.

"I always was and I always will be a Manchester United fan!"
- David Beckham

                    The cloud of doubt over the Sneijder deal has loomed large over the Theater of Dreams for quite some time now. This maybe another Fabregas chase in the making but still the importance of this deal is under serious questioning. I don't possess the stature or the right to question Sir Alex's judgement but seriously, such a long chase for a player who may not fit into the English Game is just not how we do it at Manchester United. We are not Manchester City or Chelsea to buy players for huge money whether they fit into the squad or not. For me Ashley Young has the same flair to his game as Wesley as they both have very similar techniques. Instead of Buying Wesley we can try Young in the Central Midfield where Nani-Valencia pairing would be the wings. Young and Sneijder are identical (for me at-least). Both can dribble through defenses, both can deliver those incisive passes, both can score from distance and both are Bald. Then why waste time and money on a player who isn't needed in the squad? We aren't Barcelona to splash cash every window for a player who already has a replacement. We are Manchester United, we don't buy Legends, we create them.

                          "Your Players make Money, Ours Make History"

               We all are aware of his dead ball abilities. Anyone who follows David Beckham can put his money on him any given day that the vicious passing skill can leave the defenders with twisted blood any day. He brings more than just his skills; he brings an "aura”, which no other player in the world can!! The flair and charisma is simply outstanding and his mere presence in the squad can be a boost for the growth of "Beckham-esque" players like Cleverely!! People say that Beckham has grown old and his skills have withered away but recently in the Testimonial of Gary Neville and even in the Major League Soccer, his skills spoke too much about his ball playing skills. Even at this age he could carve defenses with surgical accuracy. People may tell you that Football is a matter of life and death for them, trust me it's much more than just that. The emotions attached to David Beckham is immense and his mere presence in the squad(even on the bench) can assure that the shoulders won't drop and Young Mancs would still BELIEVE that they could win any given match. Barcelona, AC Milan, Manchester City, Bayern Munich, who?? Once Beckham arrives, Manchester United will tame them at any given ground and in any given Match. Because when he joins a team the team starts realising that they can score. Remember the famous lines, "Can Manchester United score, THEY ALWAYS SCORE!!!"
               I have loved him all through my life and he is one of the reasons why I became a red devil in the first place itself... Call it love overpowering reason or anything you want, But I will always hope that Becks will come back. Every Transfer Window, I will pray that He comes back.... That is what Manchester United is all about. Tears of joy will roll down the cheeks of every Manc as He will walk into the Theater of Dreams in the colours of the Best Team of Europe.
 Ms. Smita Mishra mam have asked all Web Journalism student to go to either Ambedkar Stadium or Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium for a one day experience of the matches and events going on there.
So we have decided to go to Jawahar Lal Nehru stadium, Lodhi road ,Delhi where the Nehru cup
 tournament is going on
The Nehru Cup is an international association football tournament organised by the All India Football Federation (AIFF).The 2012 Nehru Cup is the 15th edition of the Nehru Cup and 3rd Nehru Cup.

The fixtures for Nehru cup 2012 are as follows:

August 30, 2012: Syria vs Nepal

August 31, 2012: India vs Cameroon


September 2, 2012: Group Winners vs Group Runners-up.

Price for the ticket is Rs 75.

Till now the date decided is SEPTEMBER 2nd ,2012.
So students who are interested in going to JLN stadium,
 pls comment here or inform about it to
Ambrish rai :  9716602078

please give your views and the date which fixes according to your schedule so that we could fix 1 particular date and go to the stadium together

Monday, 27 August 2012

An overlook on the term "Broadcasting"

Broadcasting is the distribution of audio and video content to a dispersed audience via any audio or visual mass communications medium, but usually one using electromagnetic radiations. The receiving parties may include the general public or a relatively large subset thereof.
Broadcasting has been used for purposes of private recreation, non-commercial exchange of messages, experimentation, self-training, and emergency communication such as amateur radio and amateur television (ATV) in addition to commercial purposes like popular radio or TV stations with advertisements.

Saturday, 25 August 2012

The First Day of Class(Web Journalism & Sports Marketing)

The first day of the "Web Journalism & Sports Marketing" class held in SGTB Khalsa College, Delhi( 25th August, 2012 at 14:30hrs).

Classes were taken By "Dr. Smita" & "Mr. Arjun J Chaudhary".
It was quite a interactive session due to mix up of Sports & the Web Journalism.
Focus of the session was on "Broadcasting".

The three main points were covered by Mr. Chaudhary (i.e)
1- How we can create a value of sports property in the market?
2- Through which medium we can create that?
3- And how that medium operates?

With additional discussion held on increasing the awareness of other sports in comparison to Cricket.

Ambrish Rai